Wednesday, May 03, 2006

By the time they said "I do" their expenses totalled $19,000 (US$)

There's an interesting article in the Christian Science Monitor about the cost of weddings in the US these days. I know I say "interesting article" a lot, but this time, Boycat's Mum read the whole thing when I showed it to her; and that was two and a half A4 pages of 10 point text, so I figure it might actually be interesting to someone other than me.

I think our wedding cost $3000 (in 1993). We paid for it ourselves although Boycat's Mum's Dad slipped us $1500 after it was over. We did the flowers in the church ourselves (that was when I learned you don't cut 6 inches off the end of long-stemmed roses to make them fit), my sister made the wedding dress, our reception was at our favourite indian restaurant — we'd been paying it off for the previous six months — and the entertainment was a couple of mix tapes I put together plus a belly-dancer.

Some of my friends had posher weddings, like the one in the botanical gardens, and some had traditional Italian weddings, but I'm pretty sure no one spent anything like $19,000 U.S dollars.



Unknown said...

We is putting a sign saying "Emma and Syme be Hitched" on a pig and releasing it to run around Darwin.

The Larder is pretty fucking empty by the time I'm getting around to the wedding thing anyway, so I haven't even got an engagement present from any of my family.

To separate the wheat from the chaff - we're getting married up here - if people haven't been botherd to speak to me for the last 5 years - I'm pretty sure they won't bother to come to Darwin. It's going to thin out the guest list very nicely.

Unknown said...

...and before you give it a go Paul - yes I know I haven't got you a wedding gift yet.

I'm getting you and Dame and Rach the same things - so I had to wait till I'm in Alice again (4 weeks) so I can get it.

I'm not talking about you....specifically.
(but I am still waiting for my birthday present from last year.)