17.30 - Back at the shops again. Different shops from the 16.30 picture. This is also another photo revisited from an earlier April 20.
16.30 - Stopping in at the shops on my way home.
15.30 - Box and fence
15.30 - Homeland Security.
Monday, April 20, 2009
April 20, 2009 - Third set
April 20, 2009 - Second set
11.30 - And here we are again. Spot the difference between this photo and the series from an earlier April 20.
10.30 - My desk
9.30 - The view from my smoking spot (2)
9.30 - The view from my smoking spot (1)
8.30 - I needed something to photograph before I went to work
10.30 - My desk
9.30 - The view from my smoking spot (2)
9.30 - The view from my smoking spot (1)
8.30 - I needed something to photograph before I went to work
April 20, 2009 - First set
7.30 - Yesterday, today and tomorrow.
7.30 - This is one of the ferns I photographed on a previous April 20.
6.25 - Still no food in the bowl
6.10 - Really, are you getting up anytime soon?
5.30 - Are you getting up to feed me?
7.30 - This is one of the ferns I photographed on a previous April 20.
6.25 - Still no food in the bowl
6.10 - Really, are you getting up anytime soon?
5.30 - Are you getting up to feed me?
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